B2R CASE STUDY - Major neck injury

It is sometimes difficult to describe how we work with people in pain or with injuries.

It is difficult because we individualise all our programmes and there are no two programmes that look the same. We pride ourselves on being both evidence based AND holistic.

Our healthcare methods place heavy emphasis on self-efficacy and active care. Sometimes this can be threatening to healthcare professionals in following the research and adopting more active healthcare methods out of fear that this could be interpreted as ‘just personal training’.

Below, we share a case that presented to us in B2R HQ, Nicks Gym, illustrating how life changing an active, individualised rehabilitation / training programme can be for even the most serious of spinal injures; spinal cord compression in the neck. This case also illustrates how we believe the synergy between clinician and trainer could look for more people as this programme was delivered almost entirely by our Personal Trainer; Jacob Baylis.

Exercise and movement is medicine, so is spending time and individualising a problem solving process putting ourselves (healthcare provider) as backseat drivers.

Thanks for sharing this Steve, this is quite a story.

Luke R. Davies,

#B2Rhealth :)

I am now 53 years young ( and still have the mind of a twenty something I should add ), I have always been an active sort, and have enjoyed most outdoor pursuits over the years.

These have included mountain climbing, kayaking, mountain biking as well as pretty much anything extreme and adrenaline fuelled – like skydiving, bungee jumping, white water rafting, jetskis, fast cars & motorcycles, in fact you name it i’ve probably tried it! But these days these seem to be largely curtailed due to my condition.

My consultant pulled no punches in telling me my nerve damage was permanent and that it would get progressively worse over time
— Steve Thomas

In 2013 I suffered an accident and injured my spine, and following subsequent surgery (posterior laminoplasty to C3,4&5) I completed several months of Physiotherapy. After which my consultant pulled no punches in telling me the nerve damage in my spine was permanent, inoperable and would affect my control of my right leg as well as my balance – in fact I would get progressively worse over time, at a rate he was unable to gauge. On the positive side he said ‘if my neck were not so strong I could well have ended up in a wheelchair, however this is likely as I get older’ – (not if I can help it!).

I started at the (Nicks) gym just after in a bid to strengthen my legs and try to combat my ‘wobblyness’, however after a couple of years it became apparent, I was only getting limited results. Of recent I have become worse, I have good and bad days, but I was suffering now with some pretty debilitating back pain and my walking was becoming more and more difficult.

I was suffering now with debilitating back pain, and my walking was getting worse
— Steve Thomas

I had noticed Luke at the gym and initially thought that this ‘New age - Hippe looking Yoga dude’ wasn’t for me, but as I passively observed some of his clients with back problems make real progress I became more interested.


I asked Luke if he thought he could help me as I had rather complex conditions and ailments ? (cervical myelopathy, and related neurological symptoms) He agreed to assess me and seemed optimistic. After several evenings of physical and neurological tests, going through a mountain of medical history, and god knows how much research outside of that, we met to discuss a plan.

After several evenings of physical and neurological tests, going through a mountain of history, we met to discuss a plan
— Steve Thomas

As I sat listening to Luke’s assessment it became clear that no one had linked up all my symptoms in such a way as this, all the different consultants (Neurologists, Physiotherapists, Urologists, Orthopaedics, GPs etc) had not joined the dots and certainly not explained to me how & why my various ailments were linked. He went on to explain that through his research and knowledge he was sure that a tailored program could help, in both reducing pain and improving mobility. I was extremely excited about the possibilities and after he explained the detail of my initial 3 month program, and we started in earnest.

This is our chalkboard where we draw up concepts and explanations in our Report of Findings (ROF) session prior to recommending your personal plan. Steves case did cause us some homework to join the dots, thanks for that Steve!

This is our chalkboard where we draw up concepts and explanations in our Report of Findings (ROF) session prior to recommending your personal plan. Steves case did cause us some homework to join the dots, thanks for that Steve!

I was extremely excited about the possibilities after he explained my initial 3 month plan
— Steve Thomas

Jake, one of B2R’s associates, took charge of my training regime, building a very specific set of strength and mobility routines, that fitted my range and ability whist adding a degree of ‘pushing the envelope’, as well as making the ‘torture’ feel like fun (well sometimes at least), we did have some laughs!. It took a few weeks to see results but the back pain lessened very quickly.

Jake, one of B2R’s trainers took charge of the programme while Luke remained on hand throughout
— Steve Thomas

We place great emphasis on not only what happens with us in training, but in the vast majority of time away from us. We help explain recovery strategies for training and aches and pains utilising reflections and accountable tasks away from us. See this short clip explaining what these homework cards are all about HERE.

Luke carefully monitored my progress and was on hand to discuss throughout. After a month people were starting to notice how much better I was walking, I felt my spirits lifting as I got stronger and smiled each time I was able to do something new – or at least something I hadn’t done for some time, (dressing stood up, standing up to put trousers on, getting up off the floor unaided and without using my hands), little things I guess we take for granted – but for me huge challenges that had me quite emotional when achieved, and it continues to improve. (Note to self alcohol doesn’t help with balance!) Everything in moderation.......

I felt my spirits lifting as I got stronger and smiled each time I was able to regain something I used to be able to do
— Steve Thomas

I’d like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Luke & Jake for their time, efforts and patience, in helping me on this journey, I now have the tools and knowledge to continue my journey and look forward to the next achievement in what I now expect to be a different way of life.

I now have the tools and knowledge to continue my journey
— Steve Thomas

“To anyone suffering from anything related to pain, mobility or general fitness I would highly recommend getting in touch with the guys at B2R”.


North Coast (NC) 500


B2R teaching in both the major Chiropractic Universities in UK