10% discount on all Vivolife products with your Lukedavies code
Vivo-life supported our recent winter Back to Roots in Wales, UK with amazing nutritious smoothies and protein.
The nutrition industry is absolutely geared up to confuse consumers, then ultimately sell supplements to solve the confusion they have created.
Having read our Lean living content on nutrition you might be on board that being lean is actually quite simple, if we can have routines and habits that support our busy lifestyles.
Do we need to supplement? Categorically no, our ancestors thrived by eating much less than we do and they certainly did not have nutritional supplements.
Do our ancestors live in our 24/7 100mph society?? Also, categorically no.
In Vivolife you have a brand incredibly proud of their carbon-neutral, plant based protein supplements to help with those busy days on the road. It is my opinion that well resourced supplements can be fundamental to lean living and I am proud to be in collaboration with Vivo both personally and on my health retreats.
Back to Roots is a truly holistic, evidence based health intervention. Our retreats are underpinned by the latest scientific evidence and delivered by health care professionals. Vivo-life, as seen here, are our choice of high quality nutritional supplement.
Vivo-life sponsor Luke R. Davies as an athlete
Vivo taste fantastic and have achieved a blend of plant based protein that rivals that of animal based whey. The healthiest people in the world (blue zones) have a largely plant based diet and view meat as a treat. Vivo is a vegan product however you do not have to be vegan to get the health benefits of emulating the blue zones. I fully endorse Vivo-life as an aid for this purpose.
“Use the promotion code “lukedavies” to get 10% off your first order”
I am not vegan and do not plan on being so as well resourced animal products are some of the most nutritious foods we can eat. However it is not really a debate that we eat too much meat in our modern diets, both in terms of health and environmental sustainability.
Can you be healthy eating meat? Yes. Can you be healthy eating plant based? Yes. Vivo products will support both.
You can find out more about Vivo-life, including their philosophy and range of products at their website HERE.
Rest assured their brand has the Back to Roots & Luke R. Davies stamp of approval and recommendation. Use my promotion code "lukedavies" to get 10% off your first order.
Every little helps when it comes to health & living lean.
Luke R. Davies :)